February Monthly Strategy Meeting

February Monthly Strategy Meeting

Come to our all-volunteer team meeting as we welcome new supporters, give updates on our progress, and share the next steps in our strategy to make Ohio's elections more free and fair with Ranked Choice Voting.

Featured Speaker Donald Wiggins Jr., Esq., will walk through how we can get involved in City Charter Review Commissions throughout Ohio, which is one of the most effective paths to advance #RankedChoiceVoting! Donald obtained his Juris Doctorate from Capital University, and in 2020 he founded a Civic-Tech company, Initiate Change, LLC, with a vision to develop software and tools to help free societies flourish.

February 27, 2022 at 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Zoom - RSVP below for link
[email protected] ·
Laurie Albright Robert Berberich G Y Chris Licameli Alen Amini Sean Tannehill Dennis Flores Tom Heiskell Colette Zilka Kyle Herman John Dziurlaj Justin Wells Michael Welker Scott Fasone Sarah Young Robert Quade Craig Clawson Keith Chapman Shahzeb Malik Patrick Walker Dominic Catalano Lauren Kluge William Davis Kathleen Caffrey Denise Riley Russell Buckbee Laura Marie Chacon Davis Abe Zawodni Julia Mackessy Logan Rees John Stegall Eric Frey Eternally 12 T MCR Polyamorous Land Back Jordan Harris U Hudson Emily Vermillion Logan Markle Latha Srinivasan Kristen Beireis Dan Zavon

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