Volunteer Strategy Forum
We're inviting every Ohioan who supports Ranked Choice Voting to participate in a day-long forum to brainstorm ideas to make Rank the Vote Ohio more authentically grassroots-driven. What would motivate you to volunteer? What types of actions do you want to help lead? A professional facilitator will guide us through a democratic process as we set goals at the local, regional, and statewide levels and propose ideas to achieve them. We'll provide catered meals and snacks for all who join. Doors open at 10, convening is 11-4.
WHENMarch 08, 2025 at 11:00amWHEREGoodale Park Shelterhouse
120 W Goodale St
Columbus, OH 43215
United States
Google map and directions -
Sign to Oppose SB 63 and Protect Home Rule for Ohio Communities
Regardless of how we feel about Ranked Choice Voting, we are opposed to SB 63 violating Local Home Rule. Ohio's charter cities have a constitutional right to decide for themselves if RCV or other election methods are more appropriate for our communities than pick-one, plurality-wins elections. Big government should not unfairly punish communities if we choose to achieve majority rule through Instant Runoffs with RCV. Please sign below to protect Ohio communities' right to Home Rule. If you'd like us to continue to update you on the bill, please do not uncheck your email below.--