Regional chapters raise local awareness and support for Ranked Choice Voting, especially through public education when local campaigns form for RCV in cities.  Relational organizing is the most effective way to spread an idea like Instant Runoffs, so we're building teams of volunteers for local outreach -- like canvassing at events, speaking engagements, house parties, and other locally-driven ideas!

You can visit the pages below to connect with your chapter:

Central Ohio - Led by Chapter Lead Grace Leng and Organizer Debbie Schaffner

Northeast Ohio - Led by Michelle B. Jackson in Cuyahoga County and Kyle Herman in Summit County

Southwest Ohio - Led by Andi Van Sickle in the Dayton area and Jack Cunningham in the Cincinnati Area

Northwest Ohio - In Progress. Contact Nick Burmeister to help!

Southeast Ohio - In Progress. Contact Denise Riley to help!

The way we define Ohio's regions is flexible, but roughly corresponds with this map:

The way we define Ohio's regions is flexible, but roughly corresponds with this map:

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