Kristen Beireis, Voter Advocacy Liaison

I hear so many people say they don't like their choices at the ballot box because no one truly represents them. Ranked Choice Voting would bring us more representative candidates and elected officials.  It will attract a more diverse candidate pool with more diverse ideas.  I truly believe this is what we need in Ohio.  Too many people are just not happy with their options for us to ignore it any longer. 

Kristen Beireis 1440sc

Kristen Beireis

Kristen Beireis's activity stream

  • rsvped for February Statewide Meeting 2025-02-11 15:25:45 -0500

    February Statewide Meeting

    At our monthly meetings, we welcome new supporters, give updates on our progress, and share ways to help. This month's topic is Learning from Successful Local Campaigns for RCV and our featured speaker will be Miguel Trindade Deramo, who was a Member of the Steering Committee for last year's Initiative 83 in DC. We'll also be talking about our response to the most recent ban bill at the Ohio Statehouse.

    Log on early at 6:30 for a brief "RCV 101" presentation on how Ranked Choice Voting works and get your questions answered!

    February 24, 2025 at 7:00pm
    Zoom - RSVP for the link
    13 rsvps rsvp
  • rsvped for Volunteer Strategy Forum 2025-02-05 13:11:51 -0500

    Volunteer Strategy Forum

    We're inviting every Ohioan who supports Ranked Choice Voting to participate in a day-long forum to brainstorm ideas to make Rank the Vote Ohio more authentically grassroots-driven. What would motivate you to volunteer? What types of actions do you want to help lead? A professional facilitator will guide us through a democratic process as we set goals at the local, regional, and statewide levels and propose ideas to achieve them. We'll provide catered meals and snacks for all who join. Doors open at 10, convening is 11-4.

    March 08, 2025 at 11:00am
    Goodale Park Shelterhouse
    120 W Goodale St
    Columbus, OH 43215
    United States
    Google map and directions
    10 rsvps rsvp
  • signed Sign to Oppose SB 63 2023-08-03 15:46:34 -0400

    Sign to Oppose SB 63 and Protect Home Rule for Ohio Communities

    1,085 signatures
    Regardless of how we feel about Ranked Choice Voting, we are opposed to SB 63 violating Local Home Rule. Ohio's charter cities have a constitutional right to decide for themselves if RCV or other election methods are more appropriate for our communities than pick-one, plurality-wins elections. Big government should not unfairly punish communities if we choose to achieve majority rule through Instant Runoffs with RCVPlease sign below to protect Ohio communities' right to Home Rule. If you'd like us to continue to update you on the bill, please do not uncheck your email below.
    Add signature
  • signed Sign to Support RCV 2023-01-23 20:15:53 -0500

    Sign to Support RCV

    I support Instant Runoffs with Ranked Choice Ballots in Ohio!

    3,213 signatures

    Instant Runoffs with Ranked Choice Voting simply require a majority to win, while giving all voters more choice and more voice so that you can vote for your true favorite without feeling like your vote is wasted. When you have backup choices, more parties and candidates can run because you don't have to worry about "spoilers" and you can have more confidence that your vote will actually matter. Political toxicity decreases when candidates have to focus on problem-solving and finding common ground to win a majority instead of simply attacking the "other side" as the greater evil. So you can vote your hopes, not your fears!

    Our team is working with allies on potential ballot language, but in the meantime we need to build our list to show the political class that Ohioans want Ranked Choice Voting in Ohio. Please sign here and spread awareness by inviting your friends!

    Add signature
  • published Speaker Request in Contact Us 2021-04-25 12:02:49 -0400

    Speaker Request

    Want to help spread the word about Ranked Choice Voting in Ohio? Fill in the form below to request one of our Trained Speakers for your group. 

    Sign up
  • donated via 2022-10-30 14:10:29 -0400