RTVO All Hands Meeting

RTVO All Hands Meeting

Join us Monday, November 14th for an all hands on deck meeting!

Find out how you can get involved in the ranked choice voting movement in Ohio!

RSVP for the zoom link!

November 14, 2022 at 8:00pm - 9pm
All Hands Meeting
Lindsey Workman ·
Sean Tannehill Danelle Hoover Steve Chapman Kelly Jackson Richard Simmons Nathan Kehoe Michelle Cantor Danielle Morris Tyler Maple Vera Buk-Bjerre Renee Westermeyer Matthew Carlin John Stegall Kristen Beireis Andrew Rockwell Ivy Daniels David Timko Phillip Gemmato Martha Harrington Noelle L Hollis Scott Matusek Yến Manzey Doug Lane Chris K Tadd Pinkston Adam Nicholson Nate Foley Scott Smith Lena Hendryx John Cain Jarod Hopkins Katy McKiernan Devi Bhaktananda / Ray Westbrook Jake Haney Ben Davis Brooke H Josh Draher Matthew Goff Dan Moore Adam Parsons Peter Katz Zachary Rittinger Luke Keister Tyler Crowe Rachel Sykes Julia Roberts Lawrence Overway Scott Heenan

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