October Statewide Meeting

October Statewide Meeting

At our Statewide Monthly Meetings, we welcome new supporters and give updates on Ohio's progress toward Instant Runoffs with Ranked Choice Voting. We'll also talk about our defense against the RCV Ban Bill and the ideas and connections we brought back from the American Democracy Summit!

October 23, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Zoom - RSVP below for the link
Kyle Herman ·
Winie Wirth Robin Hill Denise Riley Philena Farley Kyle Campbell Robert Riccardi Kerri Conger Christy Staats Eric Reitzel Grace Leng Dan Zavon stuart nealis James Goldfarb Jon Fallon Robert Agle Alejandro Ross Mark Preputnik Jerry Brunswick C. Michele Gire Trudee Weatherby William Davis Hunter Hughes Jacob Dietz Abraham Zawodni Reena Murphy J.D. Whitlock Samaria Chicas Rami Mohamed Bob Viney Andréa Van Sickle Kristen Beireis Sanford Lubin Ed Stenger Kyle Herman Danielle Morris

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