Southwest Ohio Chapter Meeting & Social

Southwest Ohio Chapter Meeting & Social

Join our Southwest Ohio Chapter to help raise local awareness and support for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)! Our June Meeting will feature special guest Stan Lockhart, a Cincinnati Reds fan and former Utah Republican Party Chair, who will join us in-person to talk about why Utah Republicans use and support RCV, and how Instant Runoffs are better for everyone! RSVP below to join in-person or virtually!

All are welcome to join us for food/drinks afterward to get to know each other better.

SWO Chapter Meeting June 3 2023

June 03, 2023 at 11:00am - 12pm
Ohio Living Llanfair Campus Center Multipurpose Room
1701 Llanfair Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45224
United States
Google map and directions
Jim Warner ·
Corey Virag James Warner Kristen Beireis Kalesha Scott Hayley Cymerman Dan Zavon Lynn Tobin Braelyn Spitler William Ford Alan Emerson Cheryl Schaeffner Ed Stenger Frank Knapp Malia Kelly Loretta Ferro

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