SB 137 Writing Party

SB 137 Writing Party

Concerned about SB 137 which takes power away from voters and lets Statehouse politicians dictate how our communities are run? Let's get together, write testimony and letters to legislators to #DefendHomeRule and #ProtectCommunityPower. We'll do a quick refresher on how to write testimony and write a letter to legislators for the first half. For the second half, it will be time to get writing. Ask questions of the group, coordinate messages, share screen, and get feedback.

Join us for this jam packed hour of information and taking action together as a community that believes ranked choice voting is good for Ohio.  

Read More About SB 137 

Sign The Petition to Stop the Ban

November 04, 2023 at 1:00pm - 2pm
Kristen Beireis ·
Colleen Boyd Franklin Davis Nancy Gurney Dan Zavon Josie Schreiber Danielle Morris Deborah Hogshead Janice Flahiff Andréa Van Sickle

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