RCV Day Celebrations & January Statewide Meeting

RCV Day Celebrations & January Statewide Meeting

We're collaborating with our national partners and state-level sister organizations on a national Ranked Choice Voting Day event that involves local in-person parties starting around 7pm, a virtual Ohio Statewide Meeting starting at 7:30pm, and then a national "Toast to the RCV Movement" at 8pm:

Central Ohio Party starting at 7: rankthevoteohio.org/rcv_day_columbus_240120

Northeast Ohio Party starting at 7: rankthevoteohio.org/january_neo_meeting_social_2024

North-Central (Mansfield-area) call starting at 7:10: meet.google.com/ivq-qexj-qps

RSVP via the form below for the link to join virtually at 7:30: 

January 20, 2024 at 7:00pm - 9pm
In-person or virtual (RSVP for details)
Kyle Herman ·
Tim Grady Dan Zavon Robin Hill Rami Mohamed Mark Savage Abraham Zawodni Kalyn Sprague Kristen Beireis Debbie Schaffner Doug Loynes Adam Kramer stuart nealis Mary Dixon Jon Fallon Andréa Van Sickle Chris Anderson Scott Pompeo Samaria Chicas Sanford Lubin Cindy Cromwell Grace Leng Ruth McLatchie Kathy Jones Carol Mills

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