Virtual SB 137 Testimony Gathering PM

Virtual SB 137 Testimony Gathering PM

SB 137 would effectively ban Ranked Choice Voting in local and county elections across the state by financially penalizing municipalities that use it. Take action now to stop this bill from going any further. 

It's Time For Testimony. Will You Participate?

Join us virtually, drop in anytime during the event. We will be drafting or proofreading drafted testimony in opposition to SB137 asking our House Reps. to vote NO on SB 137 and also answer any testimony questions you might have. RSVP at the bottom of this page to get the Zoom Link. 

Take action together as a community that believes ranked choice voting is good for Ohio. Invite a friend or more to join you! 

 People who write testimony do not have to be at the State House in person- however, it's more effective if they are! - anyone can still submit testimony for the public record. 

Submit your testimony no later than Feb 20, Tuesday at 3pm. 
Step 1: Type out your testimony.
Step 2: Copy this form in Google Drive (DO NOT EDIT THE ORIGINAL FORM) and then fill it in with your information and download it as a PDF to include in your email.
Step 3: Attach your PDF Witness Form and written testimony as two separate documents (DO NOT combine them) in an email sent to [email protected]

If you are going to the Statehouse to testify in person. The committee will meet on Wednesday 2/21 at 3pm in the North Hearing Room. Be sure to arrive 45 minutes to an hour early to park and get through Security. SB 137 will be the second bill to be heard, so remember to wait your turn patiently. 


If you can, come JOIN US!

Pack the hearing room. Even if you aren't testifying and are available, we encourage you to attend the hearing anyway so we can pack the room. The more the merrier. Grab your friends, neighbors, activist groups and head to the courthouse. Remember to sit quietly and watch. We are trying to make friends not enemies.


February 18, 2024 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Virtual Zoom
Andi Van Sickle · · 937-234-7043
Rami Mohamed Dan Zavon Andréa Van Sickle

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