September Statewide Meeting

September Statewide Meeting

We're celebrating Rank the Vote Ohio's 4-year anniversary with a hybrid event: You can join in-person at Columbus Public Library (Main Branch) or RSVP below to join virtually. While we're working to bridge divides with systemic reform through Ranked Choice Voting in future elections, this meeting's topic "Bridging Partisan Divides in Polarized Times" will feature partners more focused on bridging interpersonal divides during the current election season, with special guests from the Ohio Environmental Council, Braver Angels, Common Cause Ohio, and Faith in Public Life.



September 15, 2024 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Hybrid / Columbus Public Library (Main Branch)
96 S Grant Ave
Meeting Room 2B
Columbus, OH 43215
United States
Google map and directions
Leadership Team ·
James Joyce Eliza Steffen William Ford Ken Hewes Bryce Dawson Carolyn Harding Genevieve Harvey Rami Mohamed Kristen Beireis Debbie Schaffner Kathleen Hicks Philena Farley Denise Riley Ed Stenger Lisa Pultz Laura Zureich Andréa Van Sickle Chris Anderson Kevin Ingles Grace Leng Thalia Sassman Kelsey Malone Danielle Morris Samaria Chicas Steve Hudson

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