November Monthly Meeting

November Monthly Meeting

Please join our all-volunteer team as we welcome new supporters, give updates on our progress, and share next steps in our strategy to make Ohio's elections more free and fair with Ranked Choice Voting.

At our October Monthly Meeting, we discussed our strategy to focus on passing Ranked Choice Voting (Instant Runoffs) in cities throughout Ohio in 2022 as strongholds for a statewide ballot initiative in 2023. At our November Monthly Meeting, we'll announce cities we've chosen to focus on!

We're already testing the feasibility by reaching out to elected officials and civic leaders in select cities across Ohio, but if you'd like to help or if you have questions or ideas we might not have considered yet, please contact us at [email protected].

November 22, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Zoom - RSVP below for link
[email protected] ·
Joel Araujo Russell Buckbee Scott Newberry Joe Nichols Kyle Herman Hannah Illencik Tadd Pinkston Leslie Phillips G Y Tom Heiskell Kristen Beireis Jon Shields Justin Strekal Steven Norris Robert Quade Jerald Taylor Sean Tannehill Latha Srinivasan Jeremy DeMarco Colette Zilka Beth Ehrman Alen Amini Justin Wells William Davis Logan Rees Just Calvin Denise Riley Julia Mackessy David Schmidt Laura Marie Chacon Davis

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