Virtual SB137 Testimony & Holiday Card Writing Party

Virtual SB137 Testimony & Holiday Card Writing Party

Join a Statewide virtual event making our voices heard about opposition to SB137, which takes power away from voters and lets Statehouse politicians dictate how our communities are run.

Let's get together! We will be drafting testimony as well as writing holiday cards asking legislators to NOT include SB137 in a “Christmas Tree Bill” and to vote NO on SB 137 to #DefendHomeRule and #ProtectCommunityPower.

Join us virtually for this unique opportunity to take action together as a community that believes ranked choice voting is good for Ohio. Invite a friend or more to join you! Come ready to draft testimony or with Holiday/Christmas card/s, envelope, a pen and stamp/s. 

Read More About SB 137 

Sign The Petition to Stop the Ban

Watch Our Meeting: How to Write a Testimony (Please watch before the event)

We anticipate Tues., Dec 19th to be scheduled to hear opposition to SB137 at the Ohio State House. Join this event and we can answer any questions, go over the process and best practices on how to write, submit and speak. People who write testimony do not have to be at the State House in person- however, it's more effective if they are! - anyone can still submit testimony for the public record. 

December 15, 2023 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Virtual Zoom
Andi Van Sickle · · 9372347043
Kyle Herman Colleen Boyd Andréa Van Sickle

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