Outreach in Ohio City

Outreach in Ohio City

Join us this coming Saturday in Ohio City as we join forces with Ohioans Against Issue 1 to talk with voters about Ranked Choice Voting and the upcoming August 8th election.  Rank the Vote Ohio is a member of the cross-partisan coaltion for Ohioans to Vote No in August to protect citizen led ballot initiatives.  We will be meeting on the porch of a private residence, so rather than publish an address, we will reach out to folks who RSVP with specifics by Friday.  If you have materials to canvass such as clipboards and pens, you're welcome to bring them of course, but we can provide you with everything you need.   Feel free to familiarize yourself with Early Voting procedures in Cuyahoga County so as to best educate citizens, and consider early voting yourself this week if you haven't already and we look forward to seeing you Saturday afternoon!

July 22, 2023 at 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Colleen Boyd ·
Ed Stenger Colleen Boyd William Ford

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