May Statewide Meeting

May Statewide Meeting

At our monthly meetings, we welcome new supporters, give updates on our progress, and share ways to get more involved. Our featured speaker will be our Communications Team Lead, Rami Mohamed, giving a presentation about the history of RCV in Ohio, with a special focus on how Ashtabula became the first city in America to achieve proportional representation with RCV in 1915!

Log on early at 6:30 for a brief "RCV 101" presentation on how Ranked Choice Voting works and get your questions answered!

May 20, 2024 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Zoom – RSVP for the link
Leadership Team ·
Sue Miller Andréa Van Sickle Kyle Herman Dan Zavon Ed Stenger Denise Riley Bryce Dawson Zachary Paull Mark Williams J.D. Whitlock Bob Viney Peter Petto Abe Zawodni Carl Henderson Frank Motz Nicholas Burmeister Chris Anderson Danielle Morris Rami Mohamed Marselene Stone Grace Leng Brennan Barrington Kristen Beireis Colleen Boyd

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