March Statewide Meeting

March Statewide Meeting

At our Statewide Monthly Meetings, we welcome new supporters, give updates on our progress, and hear from featured speakers about why we need your help to bring Instant Runoffs with Ranked Ballots to Ohio!

Our March Meeting will feature a talk on "How Ranked Choice Voting Can Make Your Representatives More Representative" by Kevin Kosaran Ohioan from Cuyahoga Falls who serves as a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Kevin studies the US Congress, American elections and politics, and the US Postal Service. He hosts the Understanding Congress podcastKevin is the co-editor of Congress Overwhelmed: Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform (University of Chicago Press), and the co-author of Unleashing Opportunity: Policy Reforms for an Accountable Administrative State (National Affairs, 2017). He received his doctorate and master’s degree from New York University, and his bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University.

We'll also introduce some of our new Organizers from across Ohio!

March 19, 2023 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Zoom - RSVP to receive the link
Kyle Herman ·
James Warner James Fournier Cynthia Brown Loretta Ferro Dennis Lambert N Mates Deb Hogshead Jon Fallon Eric Reitzel Trudee Weatherby Rose Stevenson J.D. Whitlock Andy Anderson Haven Horton-Kunce Samuel Ward Cristy Sherman John Sweeney Michael Hubbell Walter Zang Deb Krantz Liliana Vela Laura Baxter Sean Kessler Ruth McLatchie Homer Taft Andréa Van Sickle gail fraizer Kalyn Sprague Debby Descheneau Debbie Andersen Pat O'Malley Grace Leng Debbie Schaffner William Ford Danielle Morris

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