Help Reach Our 2024 Goal!
Thank you for donating to Rank the Vote Ohio. We rely on supporters like you to achieve our mission: “Greater choice, a stronger voice, and a representative democracy that works for all Ohioans.” Rank the Vote Ohio is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, making all donations fully tax-deductible.
Thanks to an anonymous donor, up to $40,000 of in-state donations will be matched for 2024 – so your dollars will be doubled if we reach our goal!
Consider taking your support to the next level with a recurring donation. Whether you can contribute $5 or $50 each month, by making a recurring gift, you join a special group of Rank the Vote Ohio allies who help sustain our work for the long haul with support we can count on.
If your donation is being made as a gift to honor or memorialize someone, please submit your donation through the online form below, then send an email with your name, the name of the person for whom the donation is to be made, and an address where an acknowledgement should be sent to [email protected]. Kindly write Honor or Memoriam in the subject line.
If you prefer to donate by check, please make it out to "Rank the Vote Ohio" and mail it to 3652 Hiwood Ave, Stow, OH 44224.
Donor privacy is important to us. Here is our donor privacy policy.