Dayton Social Hangout (PM)

Let's catch up! February is a great time to reconnect and get know each other before the busy canvassing season picks up. Join me and hang out with other Rank Choice Voting enthusiasts at Old Scratch in downtown Dayton. They have rave reviews (check out their menu here!), but if it's not your thing, come with a full belly and bring your best stories! ~Andi 

February 20, 2024 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Old Scratch
812 S Patterson Blvd
Dayton, , OH 45402
United States
Google map and directions
Andi Van Sickle · · 937-234-7043
Robbie Coleman Caleb Boyd Griffin Wagner Andréa Van Sickle William Davis J.D. Whitlock Michael Harbaugh

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