Live Outreach in Columbus - The Ohio State University oval

Live Outreach in Columbus - The Ohio State University oval

Join us as we talk with OSU students about Ranked Choice Voting!

This will be a tabled event on the OSU oval. When RSVPing, please also sign up for a 2-hour shift.  The 9-11 shift includes setting up the tent, while the 1-3 shift includes tearing down and packing up.

Bring a lawn chair... otherwise, everything else you need will be provided. 

September 22, 2023 at 10:00am - 3pm
Ohio State University oval
181 Oval Dr S
Columbus, OH 43210
United States
Google map and directions
Debbie Schaffner · · 740-739-2909
Sara Gallagher Bryce Dawson

Who's RSVPing

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Fri, Sep 22:

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