April Statewide Meeting

April Statewide Meeting

At our Statewide Monthly Meetings, we welcome new supporters, give updates on our progress, and hear from featured speakers about why we need your help to bring Instant Runoffs with Ranked Ballots to Ohio. Plus we'll introduce our newest Organizers and announce an exciting new endorsement! RSVP below to receive the link!

Our featured speaker for April is Jason Grenn, the former Executive Director for Alaskans for Better Elections, an election reform advocacy non-profit that helped bring open primaries and ranked choice to Alaska elections. He recently served as an independent State Representative in the Alaska State House where he passed legislation focused on legislative ethics reform and championed economic development for Alaska. Jason was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and he and his wife Jana have been married 19 years and are raising three small children in the Seattle, Washington area.

April 23, 2023 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Zoom (RSVP to receive the link)
Kyle Herman ·
Ann Bollheimer Torika Thompson Deb Krantz Debbie Schaffner Vera Buk-Bjerre Wally Smite Abe Waziri Yến Manzey Gregory Parthemer Jonathan Cachat Dan Zavon Danielle Morris Trent Brown Dennis Lambert Robert Berberich Carol Gulkey Charlie Sutkamp Sue Miller Terri Kern Tyler Morgan Gaven Rudiak Sanford Lubin Rami Mohamed Joe Lines Julia Cattaneo Andréa Van Sickle Rob Grady Alec Weiker Martin Claar Kim harris Frank Knapp Grace Leng James Warner Pamela Fletcher Ed Stenger Natalie Esquivel Pamela Auble Liliana Vela Wylie Lytle Hannah Shoemaker Kyle Herman

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