Rank the Vote!

I support ranked-choice voting (RCV) because it promotes moderation without compromising one's morals. RCV removes the spoiler effect and "throwaway" votes, and it ensures that elected candidates--especially in primary elections--receive a majority of the vote, not just a plurality. It also saves time and money by having an instant runoff built into one election.

William Ford 220sc

William Ford

William Ford's activity stream

  • signed Sign to Oppose SB 137 2023-07-28 11:45:17 -0400
    I oppose SB137 because it is an unconstitutional slap in the face to Home Rule Authority afforded to Charter Cities under Article XVIII of the Ohio Constitution. ~ William Ford, Ph.D. candidate

    Sign to Oppose SB 137 and Protect Home Rule for Ohio Communities

    572 signatures
    Regardless of how local leaders feel about Ranked Choice Voting, we are opposed to SB 137's violation of Local Home Rule. Ohio localities should be allowed to decide for themselves if RCV or other election methods are more appropriate for our communities than pick-one, plurality-wins elections. Big government should not unfairly punish communities if we choose to achieve majority rule through RCV or other means. Please sign below to protect Ohio communities' right to Home Rule.
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  • signed Sign to Support RCV 2023-01-27 12:04:54 -0500

    Sign to Support RCV

    I support Instant Runoffs with Ranked Choice Ballots in Ohio!

    2,738 signatures

    Instant Runoffs with Ranked Choice Voting simply require a majority to win, while giving all voters more choice and more voice so that you can vote for your true favorite without feeling like your vote is wasted. When you have backup choices, more parties and candidates can run because you don't have to worry about "spoilers" and you can have more confidence that your vote will actually matter. Political toxicity decreases when candidates have to focus on problem-solving and finding common ground to win a majority instead of simply attacking the "other side" as the greater evil. So you can vote your hopes, not your fears!

    Our team is working with allies on potential ballot language, but in the meantime we need to build our list to show the political class that Ohioans want Ranked Choice Voting in Ohio. Please sign here and spread awareness by inviting your friends!

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  • endorsed 2023-01-24 19:26:02 -0500


    Ranked Choice Voting helps your vote matter. Organizations, political parties, and politicians across the state have reached out to endorse this newer, better voting system. Will you be our next endorsement? 

    *To endorse as a small business owner, please sign on here.

    Principles First Ohio

    Principles First is an all-volunteer grassroots organization “committed to revitalizing and championing conservative principles in the 21st century.”

    Cleveland VOTES

    Cleveland VOTES is a nonpartisan democracy building and mobilizing entity that aims to strengthen civic muscle and power to ensure we have a more informed, participatory, and cohesive community.

    Veterans for Political Innovation

    "Veterans for Political Innovation is proud to partner with Rank the Vote Ohio to raise awareness about the nonpartisan power of instant runoff voting (IRV)." Instant Runoffs with Ranked Ballots are already used by service members from six states. "It's time we all #VoteLikeVets!"


    BlackPAC.gop helps elect conservative Black, Latin, and Asian leaders and "supports Ranked Choice Voting as a method of enhancing voter participation by giving voters greater say in who they want to see elected to office."

    Our Revolution Ohio

    "Ranked Choice Voting offers the best opportunity for legitimate change in leadership in this country away from the corruption and 'politics as usual'"

    Hamilton County Libertarian Party

    "We believe that the political party options are too constrained and do not serve the people of Ohio well. The best way to be represented at the ballot box is to avoid simply voting for the lesser of two evils."

    Ohio Green Party

    "The Green Party seeks to repair our electoral system, from how elections are financed, to conducting them in more fair and representative ways, to ensure accountability and transparency on  all levels of government. We fully support Rank the Vote Ohio to ensure that the eventual winner has majority support and allows voters to express their preferences knowing that supporting their favorite candidate will not inadvertently help their least favorite candidate." 

    Ohio Move to Amend

    "Ranked choice voting is a vital step to increasing voter participation, the diversity of candidates, the discussion of issues, and the overall integrity of elections."


    The American Solidarity Party of Ohio

    "The American Solidarity Party of Ohio proudly endorses Rank the Vote Ohio in its efforts to bring a more civil tone, a more diverse slate of candidates, and a more level playing field for third parties to our democracy through ranked choice voting."

    Unitarian Universalist Justice of Ohio

    "Ranked Choice Voting offers a path away from harmful, and often false, binary choices that American voters must typically make. Ohioans deserve the opportunity to vote for the best candidate of their choice, not for the one candidate they dislike the least. Justice is served when our democracy operates in a manner that honors the voices of everyone."


    Shammas Malik

    Akron City Councilmember 

    Andrew Yang

    Forward Party Co-Chair

  • donated 2023-01-09 19:15:09 -0500