
Thank you for donating to Rank the Vote, Ohio. We rely on supporters like you to achieve our mission: “Implementing Ranked Choice Voting for Ohio.” Rank the Vote, Ohio has applied to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, to make all donations fully tax-deductible.  Currently, our 501(c)(3) status is pending. Once we receive our exempt status, donations received while our application was pending will be treated as tax-deductible contributions retroactive to the date of your contribution.

If you would like to pledge a donation for when our 501(c)(3) status is confirmed please submit your information here.


Consider taking your support to the next level with a recurring donation. Whether you can contribute $5 or $50 each month, by making a recurring gift, you join a special group of Rank the Vote, Ohio allies who help sustain our work for the long haul with support we can count on.  


If your donation is being made to honor or memorialize someone, please submit your donation through the online form below, then send an email with your name, the name of the person for whom the donation is to be made, and an address where an acknowledgement should be sent to [email protected]. Kindly write Honor or Memoriam in the subject line.

Donor privacy is important to us. You can find our donor privacy policy.

$36.00 raised
GOAL: $10,000.00

1. Amount


2. Your information

3. Payment information
